report absence.

Notification obligation

Please note that in the event of unforeseen absence, in addition to this system, you must also inform your supervisor by telephone about your absence.

This system allows you to report your absence in a digital and straightforward manner. Your supervisor and the human resources department will automatically be informed of your absence via email. You can report the following unforeseen absences:

  • Incapacity for work
  • Work-related accident
  • Child sick
  • Rehabilitation treatment
  • Hospital stay
  • Isolation / Separation / Quarantine
  • Other reason

It is important that you provide documentation confirming the reason for your absence with each absence report. The legislator has assigned the responsibility of providing such proof in cases of incapacity to work or a hospital stay to the treating physician, provided that they participate in the statutory health insurance scheme. In all other situations, this responsibility lies with the employee themselves.

If you already have the relevant documentation at the time of initially reporting your absence, it is possible to submit it along with your absence report. If this is not the case, we ask that you later upload the document using the “Submit proof” function.

    Company location



    First name

    Last name

    Reason for absence

    Expected duration of absence

    Please note that for security reasons only standard image files (JPG, JPEG, PNG) or PDF files can be accepted.

    Your sent data and attachments will be sent to the following company e-mail addresses / persons for the purpose of absence information: Plant management / shift management / payroll accounting.

      Company location



      First name

      Last name

      Expected duration of absence

      Please note that for security reasons only standard image files (JPG, JPEG, PNG) or PDF files can be accepted.

      Your sent data and attachments will be sent to the following company e-mail addresses / persons for the purpose of absence information: Plant management / shift management / payroll accounting.